Author Archive

The Lupus Clinic by Thea Southwell Reeves

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Lupus and Self-confidence by Beth Smith

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The Medical Research Foundation award £1M for Lupus Research

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University and Lupus by Elisabeth McInnes

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Lupus Medication Availability in a “No-Deal” Brexit

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Recommendations for the Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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Singer-songwriter Cat Burns Talks Lupus

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Lupus experts answer some frequently asked questions

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Education and Life with Lupus – Amy Baker

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Exeter Lupus Info Day Videos – Now Online

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‘Diet and Lupus: What do Patients Think?’ Research Paper Summary

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GSK Publishes ‘A Vision for Lupus’ Report

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World Lupus Day 2019 Press Release

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LUPUS UK Funded Researcher – Prof. Christian Hedrich

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Barriers to Maintaining Employment with SLE

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West Midlands Lupus Information Day Videos – Now Online

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LUPUS UK Funded Researcher – Dr Chris Wincup

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July’s Topic of the Month – Caring for your Feet

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Addenbrooke’s Hospital awarded LUPUS UK Centre of Excellence

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June’s Topic of the Month – Starting a New Treatment

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April & May’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Side Effects

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World Lupus Day 2018 Survey Findings

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New survey highlights lack of awareness of lupus

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March’s Topic of the Month – Lupus and Pregnancy

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In Memory of Shelagh Cheesman

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February’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Headaches & Migraines

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People with lupus are waiting more than 6 years for a diagnosis in the UK

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Summary of the LUPUS UK Member Survey Findings

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New report about the experiences of people with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases

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January’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Dry Eyes and Mouth

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December’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Depression and Anxiety

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November’s Topic of the Month – Lupus and Work

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First UK Guidelines for Management of Lupus in Adults Published

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September’s Topic of the Month – Getting a Diagnosis of Lupus

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Selena Gomez reveals recent kidney transplant

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August’s Topic of the Month – Studying with Lupus

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July’s Topic of the Month – Managing Your Finances

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June’s Topic of the Month – Involving technology in your healthcare

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Cost of prescriptions prevent people from getting necessary medication

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May’s Topic of the Month – Taking Care of Your Nails

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Lupus Knows No Boundaries e-Report published by World Lupus Federation

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Belimumab (Benlysta) approved for restricted use in NHS Scotland

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‘Please Offer Me a Seat’ badge launched across TfL network

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April’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Oral and Nasal Ulcers

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March’s Topic of the Month – Pain Management

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New Smartphone App for People with Lupus

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UK Strategy for Rare Diseases Implemented

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February’s Topic of the Month – Lupus & Relationships

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The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper Response

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January’s Topic of the Month – Diet & Healthy Eating

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December’s Topic of the Month – Stress Management and Relaxation

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November’s Topic of the Month – Getting the Most from your Medical Appointments

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October’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Raynaud’s Phenomenon

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September’s Topic of the Month – Skin Camouflage

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Selena Gomez News Coverage Reveals Lack of Awareness for Lupus in the UK

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August’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Itchy Rashes

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July’s Topic of the Month – Preventing and Treating Insect Bites

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June’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Light Sensitivity

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May’s Topic of the Month – Going on Holiday with Lupus

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New Survey Reveals Serious Misconceptions about Lupus in UK Public

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April’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Hair Loss

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March’s Topic of the Month – Exercising with Lupus

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RNHRD awarded LUPUS UK Centre of Excellence

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February’s Topic of the Month – Coping with Brain Fog

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January’s Topic of the Month – Managing Fatigue

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£4.1m project for better lupus treatment

Earlier today the Minister for Life Sciences George Freeman announced a £13.7 million investment by the government in the life sciences sector. The consortia funded in this round, cover a spectrum of diseases from the rare condition Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) to more common conditions affecting millions of patients.

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