Welcoming Stevie to the LUPUS UK staff team!

Welcoming Stevie to the LUPUS UK staff team!

We are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our team, Stevie Burley, in a new role as the Admin Assistant. Stevie brings a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience using databases. Although she has only been here for a week, she has already gotten stuck in! Read Stevie’s statement below: 

I am new to working in the charity sector and this role is the start of an exciting second career. My role is Administration Assistant and I started in early May. It can be daunting walking into a new environment, but I have never worked anywhere where the team has been so welcoming and quickly settled the new person nerves. As I write this bio, I have been here less than a week and have so much to learn but am confident I am in a good place to do so.

My first career of 33 years was in International Banking, roughly evenly split between working on the Business and IT sides of the industry. In the latter years I found it harder to buy into the ethos of working for an Investment Bank and after I retired from Banking, I took a sabbatical to rest, reset and reflect on my next steps. What was clear is that I wanted to make sure my work counted for something, and I needed a better reason than the bottom line.

When I came across the job advert for LUPUS UK it ticked all the boxes, this is a very broad role; this suits my disposition and was very appealing. I hope I can do it justice and am confident there will a good balance between learning and developing and applying the skills I have honed over the years.

Alongside starting at LUPUS UK, I have recently began volunteering at a national charity helping to run two peer support groups; one for girls/young woman aged 13-25 and one for 50+ woman. For the first time in a long time, I feel genuinely excited about my work and feel I am where I should be and intend to make the most of these opportunities.

I am excited about the future and feel privileged to be working for LUPUS UK. 

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