World Lupus Day
Let’s Join Together to Fight Lupus
We are a network of more than FIVE MILLION people around the world who are living with lupus. While lupus is a severe and life-changing autoimmune disease that can affect any organ in the body, we refuse to let lupus define us.
We are fighters – passionate and dedicated – who have chosen to join forces with our families, doctors, researchers, government leaders, and caring people like you to fight lupus.
We are warriors – determined to bring an end to the devastating impact of lupus. We will not quit until we secure a better quality of life for all people with lupus, their families, and future generations so that everyone can live well in a world without lupus.
To win this battle, more people around the world must join our fight. The first step begins with education. Knowledge is a powerful tool that can defeat lupus. Knowledge can help those who are looking for answers and provide support and hope to people who struggle with lupus every day.
Knowledge also can rally people to our cause. With knowledge, they can take actions to increase awareness, raise money for research, and encourage government leaders to do everything they can to help people with lupus.
This is the official World Lupus Day poster to help raise awareness for 2024.
All LUPUS UK members should have received a copy with their Spring edition of News & Views Magazine. If you require more they can be requested from our National Office or downloaded from below.
We encourage you to ask GP practices, hospital clinics, pharmacies, workplaces and anywhere else in your local community you can think of, to display these posters in the lead-up to May 10th.

Join us on Saturday, 4th May in London for our Go That Extra Mile London walk in celebration of World Lupus Day.
Our Go That Extra Mile walk is a total of four miles (three miles then add a fourth!) around London starting at Trafalgar Square, passing Buckingham Palace and ending in Covent Garden.
T-shirts are available for FREE for all sponsored walkers who will raise in excess of £20.

LUPUS UK has created an A4 information poster for workplaces and businesses to send via email or print out at display on World Lupus Day!
It’s a great way to help raise awareness and educate people about lupus.
Take part in our virtual challenge to help raise awareness on World Lupus Day!
The challenge involves setting yourself a task that you will complete every day for ten consecutive days from 10th May (World Lupus Day) to the 20th May.
Whether you want to cycle 5-miles every day, cook ten new dishes over ten days or create new watercolour art pieces, you have the chance to make this challenge your own!

We’d like to see as many beautiful butterflies as possible displayed in windows (and shared on social media) on World Lupus Day. We hope that you will enjoy this fun project! We encourage you to be as creative as you like, using whatever materials you have available. You may wish to use colouring pencils, paints, collage – whatever you can think of.
Host a Lunch4Lupus this World Lupus Day!
Make it a fun event and spend quality time with your family and friends while supporting your favourite charity. You could also hold a raffle, auction, or other fundraisings event on the day.

Help raise awareness of lupus by hosting a World Lupus Day coffee morning on or around May 10th with friends and family!
Grab a cup of coffee (or tea!) and some sweet treats and chat with friends and family to raise awareness of lupus. Also, don’t forget to make a small donation to LUPUS UK during your event.
Want to have a virtual coffee morning?
Use video telecommunications apps like Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom to host your coffee morning!
For tips on hosting a successful coffee morning, take a look HERE.
You can download a special World Lupus Day Coffee Morning Poster to help promote your event HERE.
For more information please email [email protected]

Are you the next Bake-Off champion?
Bake Us Happy! We are asking supporters to bake cakes, cupcakes, tarts and savoury pies that may look like butterflies for us to share online and for you to enjoy!

Go purple for World Lupus Day by wearing your favourite purple clothing, accessories, shoes or even by painting your nails purple or wearing purple makeup!
Share your purple looks with us by tagging us on our socials at @lupus_uk (Instagram & TikTok) and @lupusuk (Facebook & Twitter).
Put your thinking caps on! Help raise funds for LUPUS UK by hosting your own virtual quiz night on or around May 10th at home with friends and family through video telecommunications apps like Skype and Google Hangouts!
The quiz consists of four rounds, taking around 40 minutes to 1 hour to complete. There are two sections on general questions and two sections of guess the bird species!

There are loads of other ways that you can join the fights against lupus this World Lupus Day.
If you’d like to take part or sign up for a FUNDRAISING EVENT such as a Go That Extra Mile sponsored walk then please take a look at our Fundraising Page for ideas.
You could WEAR PURPLE for the day and encourage others to do the same to raise awareness of lupus. We have a range of purple LUPUS UK clothing available HERE.
You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and share our posts leading up to and on World Lupus Day.

Living With Lupus
Manage Your Lupus
Eclipse Light Sensitivity
GP or Consultant Visits
Cost of Living Crisis
Prescription Charges
Working with Lupus
Lupus Hair Loss and Wigs
Travel Insurance
Freedom Insurance
Life Insurance
Diet and Exercise
Lupus and Depression
Lupus In Young People
Family and Friends