Yeh Hai Lupus (This is Lupus) ये है लुपस
We hope that our video “Yeh Hai Lupus” in Hindi will help some people in the South Asian community to better understand lupus and the impact the disease can have when English isn’t their strongest language.
हमें उम्मीद है कि हिंदी में हमारा वीडियो “ये है लुपस” दक्षिण एशियाई समुदाय के कुछ लोगों को लुपस को बेहतर ढंग से समझने में मदद करेगा और बीमारी का असर तब हो सकता है जब अंग्रेजी उनकी सबसे मजबूत भाषा नहीं है।
VIDEO CHAPTERS वीडियो अध्याय
To watch certain chapters of the video, drag the red button at the bottom of the video on the playback bar to specific times listed below;
वीडियो के कुछ अध्यायों को देखने के लिए, नीचे दिए गए विशिष्ट समय तक प्लेबैक बार पर वीडियो के नीचे लाल बटन को खींचें;
0:05 – Introduction about LUPUS UK (English)
ल्यूपस यूके के बारे में परिचय

1:03 – Introduction to Yeh Hai Lupus Video
ये है लुपस वीडियो का परिचय

2:03 – What is lupus? Symptoms & treatment
लुपस क्या है? लक्षण और उपचार

6:17 – Medication related facts
दवा से संबंधित तथ्य

10:00 – Disease & diet related facts
रोग और आहार संबंधी तथ्य

14:18 – Social related facts
सामाजिक संबंधित तथ्य

16:42 – Working with lupus
लुपस के साथ काम करना

17:57 – Returning to work
काम पर लौटना

20:00 – Benefits of working
काम करने के लाभ

20:50 – Living with lupus
लुपस के साथ रहना

24:13 – Importance of lupus research
लुपस अनुसंधान का महत्व

25:41 Having a positive outlook
एक सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण रखने

DEVELOPERS OF YEH HAI LUPUS ये है लुपस के विकासकर्ता

Mandeep Ubhi is a Research Associate at the University of Birmingham.

Rashmika Daji , LUPUS UK patient partner.

Doctor Kanta Kumar is a Lecturer at the University of Birmingham and a Hon Professor at PGI, India. Kanta has developed a profile of research around the issues related to ethnicity in musculoskeletal practice and behavioural medicine. She has a track record of publications in this area of work.

Professor Jo Adams is an occupational therapist who’s research focuses on working alongside patient partners to design and develop effective self-management approaches for musculoskeletal conditions.

Doctor Steven Sadhra is a Reader in Occupational Health at the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of Birmingham. He has over 25 years of experience in teaching and research in Occupational Health and has published over 120 journal articles and reports and is the editor of the first Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health.

Doctor Rachel Jordan is a Reader in Epidemiology and Primary Care at the University of Birmingham, Academic Lead for Global health Research and Chair of the International Primary Care Respiratory Group research committee. Her research is largely focused around the prevention, diagnosis and management of chronic diseases in primary care, the health of healthcare workers and the relationship between work and chronic disease.

Doctor Kerry Allen is a senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham with an interest in applied research that improves health and care services, especially for people with complex needs or long term conditions.

Doctor Shirish Dubey is a Consultant Rheumatologist based in Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust with an attachment to Oxford University. Shirish has been involved in various projects aiming to improve the lives of rheumatological patients from ethnic minorities, with a keen interest in research and development of services and new treatment modalities for people suffering from rheumatological conditions.
Advisory Board सलाहकार बोर्ड
Professor Caroline Gordon is an Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology at University of Birmingham, who established the Birmingham lupus clinics in 1989 and the first LUPUS UK Centre of Excellence in 2005.
Doctor Tochi Adizie is a Rheumatology Consultant at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.
Doctor Tom Sheeran is a Rheumatology Consultant at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.
Doctor John Reynolds is a Senior Lecturer at University of Birmingham and Rheumatology Consultant Sandwell West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust.
Living With Lupus
Manage Your Lupus
Eclipse Light Sensitivity
GP or Consultant Visits
Cost of Living Crisis
Prescription Charges
Working with Lupus
Lupus Hair Loss and Wigs
Travel Insurance
Freedom Insurance
Life Insurance
Diet and Exercise
Lupus and Depression
Lupus In Young People
Family and Friends