Working with Lupus
Lupus affects everyone differently, with some people more severely affected than others. Due to the fluctuating nature of lupus, the symptoms can vary day-to-day. This can make it difficult to maintain a consistent level of working.
We’ve produced two new guides with lots of useful information to assist people with lupus that are able to remain in work. You can read and download the booklets below. If you require physical copies to be sent to you in the post, please contact us.

If you have lupus and you want help to remain in work or to return to work, then this booklet is for you. In it you’ll find the help you need to stay in your job. If you’re worried about your career following a recent diagnosis of lupus, you can find out more information about what kind of support you are entitled to. This booklet also discusses the options of re-training or moving to different types of job within an organisation. These can be worth thinking through if you’re feeling that you may have difficulties continuing in your current role, due to physical limitations for example.
“I started a new job when I left university with a 1st Class Hons (BSc) and now 4 years later I am running my own (from home) business. I got through it with the support and love of my partner, friends, family and the extra help the university gave to me.”
If you’re an employer of someone who has lupus, we hope you find this booklet useful. In it there is information about the disease and how it can affect people at work, the kind of difficulties it can cause and how these may be overcome. It also also includes up-to-date details of where employers can go for help and advice on the law relating to disability, on best practice and on making adjustments for employees at work.
“I’ve found being honest with my line manager has been the best thing to do and this has then helped both my organisation and me. In my experience, if you don’t ask you don’t get and this is so important with the invisible condition that is lupus, so if you need help ask! Colleagues and managers will surprise you!”

Living With Lupus
Manage Your Lupus
Eclipse Light Sensitivity
GP or Consultant Visits
Cost of Living Crisis
Prescription Charges
Working with Lupus
Lupus Hair Loss and Wigs
Travel Insurance
Freedom Insurance
Life Insurance
Diet and Exercise
Lupus and Depression
Lupus In Young People
Family and Friends