
This is a full list of all our publications which are available to download. Please click on the download button underneath each publication to download it.

LUPUS: Incidence within the Community

LUPUS: The Joints and Muscles

LUPUS and Pregnancy

LUPUS: A Guide for Patients

LUPUS: The Skin and Hair

LUPUS and Blood Disorders

LUPUS: The Symptoms and Diagnosis

LUPUS: Fatigue and your Lifestyle

LUPUS and Medication

LUPUS and the Kidneys

LUPUS: The Heart and Lungs

LUPUS and the Feet

LUPUS and Associated Conditions

LUPUS: The Mouth Nose and Eyes

LUPUS and Men

LUPUS and the Brain

LUPUS and Light Sensitivity

LUPUS and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

LUPUS: Bone Health &

LUPUS and Depression

more information


A Short Guide to Lupus and Visiting your Doctor

My Lupus: What I Need to Know (A Young Person’s Guide)

Caring for someone with Lupus

The Diagnosis of Lupus

I Want to Work:
A self help guide for people with lupus

When an Employee has Lupus:
An Employer’s Guide

LUPUS and Healthy Eating

LUPUS: A Guide to Pregnancy

Lupus and the Skin:
A Patient’s Guide to Skin Involvement in Lupus

LUPUS and the Kidneys