Join the LUPUS UK Online Forum
LUPUS UK hosts an online community forum with HealthUnlocked. HealthUnlocked is a social network for health. It allows you to find others with similar health backgrounds to help you take on day-to-day health concerns together. The LUPUS UK community has now been running for over five years and is host to thousands of members who are affected by lupus.

The forum is home to a very friendly and supportive community which actively welcomes new members and provides helpful responses to people’s questions. Members enjoy being able to share their experiences and questions anonymously (something that is more difficult on Facebook), with people that understand what they are going through. Lots of members have commented on how it is really reassuring to be able to talk to people going through the same experiences; it leaves them feeling a lot less alone.
The forum hosts a variety of features including;
Join In With Recent Conversations
Clicking fingers
Is clicking fingers normal?
Steroid withdraw
I have reduced my steroids and now I am not on it since beginning of march. I feel nauseous and the other day I was rushing around for a meeting and was feeling nauseous and sweating. I was like retching as well - is that anxiety? My eyes feel tired and sore and my appetite has changed - don't feel like eating as I feel sick? What do you think it i
Mepacrine - flaring now on different brand
chilblain lupus?
I have had secondary Raynaud’s for years, but recently it has become worse and my feet are either freezing cold or burning hot. In addition the soles are sore and red in places, such that it is painful to walk. A trip around Google suggested chilblain lupus which I’d not heard of before. Obviously I try to keep my feet as warm as possible but it d
Tooth loss and Lupus
I need advice please. I have Lupus with Sjögren’s overlap. For about 2 weeks I have had extreme sensitivity when biting with my front teeth. At the same time my lupus symptoms worsened, lots more pain in bones and muscles so I thought the teeth sensitivity was part of it. Yesterday I was eating a basic salad and suddenly I could feel something hard
any advice 💜
my mum had seronegative lupus by the time she was diagnosed it was too late and we sadly lost her in June 2019 , after having Covid in 2020 I started showing signs of lupus or what I knew to be lupus , my ana is also negative the same as my mum so I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia instead but I don’t know what else I can do anymore I’m in pain
Zentiva supply issues?
Hiya. Is anyone experiencing problems with getting hold of Zentiva Hydroxy? My usual pharmacy says their supply chain can't get hold of them and that is the same for a lot of the pharmacies in the area because of a change to the ordering system. I don't know then how we are supposed to get hold of the medication we need? Apparently it is
welfare cuts your help
hi can we all try help scope get the number they need for petition here is the link for you 🙏🫶🏻
Dies Azathioprine affect diagnosis?
Hi, I’ve been referred to a rheumatologist for possible lupus. I already have autoimmune liver diseases. I was on azathioprine for years but my hepatologist wanted to see if I could come off it and remain in remission. I couldn’t and my symptoms got worse including a lot of lupus symptoms - hence the referral to a rheumatologist. My question is: if
tendon problems?
Hi everyone, I have a question. I am UCTD with anti Ku antibodies. Does that make me prone to tendon/soft tissue injuries ? I seem to have a LOT of issues with this although I'm 67 and quite active considering. It takes ages to heal up. the latest problem is spine pain and lumbar pain which won't resolve (now 10 weeks). xray and ultrasound wer
This is the main section of the forum, where you can read experiences and questions from other members or publish your own. Each post has a comment section allowing you to join in with the conversation or receive information, advice and support from other members.
Share your experiences and opinions in a range of polls and see how you compare with the rest of the community.
This is an opt-in service that you can use to find other members of the forum who live close to you. This can be useful if you want to ask somebody about services locally or connect with other people in your area if you don’t currently have an active lupus support group.
(Locations are approximate and only show estimated distances from other users, but never the location of another user. Only HealthUnlocked members can use this feature and members can opt out at any time.)
46.4% of our members ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that since joining they are “more confident managing their disease on a day to day basis”
39% of our members ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that since joining they have had “better interactions with their doctor or other health professionals”
15.4% of our members ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that since joining they “use clinical services less (e.g. visiting Hospital or local doctor)”
Living With Lupus
Manage Your Lupus
Eclipse Light Sensitivity
GP or Consultant Visits
Cost of Living Crisis
Prescription Charges
Working with Lupus
Lupus Hair Loss and Wigs
Travel Insurance
Freedom Insurance
Life Insurance
Diet and Exercise
Lupus and Depression
Lupus In Young People
Family and Friends