
Many people have been supporting LUPUS UK by setting up a Facebook Fundraiser for their birthday. It’s quick, simple and helps to raise a significant amount of money to support the work of the charity. Facebook may even make a donation to the nonprofit you’ve chosen to help support your fundraiser.

In 2019, 376 people set up Facebook Fundraisers for LUPUS UK, raising a fantastic total of £64,086.03! We are so grateful for this extraordinary generosity and support.

How do I set up a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser?

Facebook will often prompt you to set up a fundraiser when it is close to your birthday by sending a notification or having a message appear in your newsfeed. However, you can also set a birthday fundraiser up quickly and easily following the five steps below;

1) Click HERE.

2) Pick your charity (we’d be extremely grateful to you for choosing LUPUS UK).

3) Set your fundraising goal and time-frame. Set something that you feel good about and see where it goes! You can always raise the amount if you particularly like to challenge your friends and family.

4) Invite people on your friends’ list and engage with them! This is key. Share your fundraiser frequently on your timeline: remember that not everyone will see something when you post just once. While some people may be hesitant to invite people on their friends list, remember you’re giving them an opportunity to contribute to something very important to you. It isn’t a problem if they are unable or unwilling to contribute – you’ve at least extended an invitation.

5) Thank people as they donate and watch the numbers go up! These people are donating to LUPUS UK because of YOU – because they care about you, they appreciate you, they think you’re awesome (and we do, too!)

All donations made to your Facebook Birthday Fundraiser will be sent directly to LUPUS UK. Facebook charges no fees for this service and therefore LUPUS UK receives 100% of all donations.